IPv4 IPv6 Address Type

Let begging about deference between IPv6 and IPv4.
1: Length
IPv4: 32 Bit
IPv6: 128 Bit

2: Number of header fields
IPv4: 12 fields
IPv6: 8 fields

3: Checksum
IPv4: Has checksum fields
IPv6: Does not have checksum fields

4: Examples

5: Type of Addresses
IPv4: Unicast, broadcast, and multicast.
IPv6: Unicast, multicast, and anycast.

6:Number of classes
IPv4: IPv4 offers five different classes of IP Address. Class A to E.
IPv6: IPv6 allows storing an unlimited number of IP Address.

7: VLSM support
IPv4: IPv4 support VLSM (variable length subnet mask).
IPv6: IPv6 does not offer support for VLSM.

8: Network Configuration
IPv4: Networks need to be configured either manually or with DHCP. IPv4 had several overlays to handle Internet growth, which require more maintenance efforts.
IPv6: IPv6 support autoconfiguration capabilities.

9: Address Mask
IPv4: Use for the designated network from host portion.
IPv6: Not used.

10: Mobility & Interoperability
IPv4: Relatively constrained network topologies to which move restrict mobility and interoperability capabilities.
IPv6: IPv6 provides interoperability and mobility capabilities which are embedded in network devices.

11: Security
IPv4: Security is dependent on applications - IPv4 was not designed with security in mind.
IPv6: IPSec(Internet Protocol Security) is built into the IPv6 protocol, usable with a proper key infrastructure.

12: Packet size
IPv4: Packet size 576 bytes required, fragmentation optional
IPv6: 1208 bytes required without fragmentation

13: Packet fragmentation
IPv4: Allows from routers and sending host
IPv6: Sending hosts only

14: Packet header
IPv4: Does not identify packet flow for QoS handling which includes checksum options.
IPv6: Packet head contains Flow Label field that specifies packet flow for QoS handling.

15: IP to MAC resolution
IPv4: Broadcast ARP
IPv6: Multicast Neighbour Solicitation

16: Local subnet Group management
IPv4: Internet Group Management Protocol
IPv6: Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)

17: Optional Fields Has Optional Fields
IPv4: Does not have optional fields.
IPv6: But Extension headers are available.

18: IPSec
IPv4: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) concerning network security is optional
IPv6: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) Concerning network security is mandatory

19: Mapping
IPv4: Uses ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) to map to MAC address
IPv6: Uses NDP(Neighbour Discovery Protocol) to map to MAC address

20: Addressing method
IPv4: IPv4 is a numeric address, and its binary bits are separated by a dot (.)
IPv6: IPv6 is an alphanumeric address whose binary bits are separated by a colon (:). It also contains hexadecimal.

21: Compatibility with mobile devices
IPv4: IPv4 address uses the dot-decimal notation. That's why it is not suitable for mobile networks.
IPv6: IPv6 address is represented in hexadecimal, colon- separated notation. IPv6 is better suited to mobile networks.

Note: IPv4 and IPv6 cannot communicate with other but can exist together on the same network. This is known as Dual Stack.

22: Unspecified
IPv6: ::

23: Loopback
IPv4: to
IPv6: ::1

24: Global
IPv4: Public IP addresses
IPv6: 2000::/3
These are assigned by the IANA and used on public networks. They are equivalent to IPv4 global (sometimes called public) addresses. ISPs summarize these to provide scalability in the Internet.

25: Private
IPv4: IPv4 Class
Class A(1 to 126)
Class B(128 to 191)
Class C(192 to 223)
IPv6: FE80::/10
Like IPv4, IPv6 supports private addressing, which is used by devices that don’t need to access a public network. The first two digits are FE, and the third digit can range from 8 to F.

26: Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
IPv4: APIPA addresses (
IPv6: Link-local addresses (FE80::/64)

27: Multicast
IPv4: Multicast addresses (
IPv6: IPv6 multicast addresses (FF00::/8)

28: Broadcast
IPv4: Broadcast addresses
IPv6: Not applicable in IPv6



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